Yorkville on The Marilyn Denis Show

June 09, 2017

Yorkville on The Marilyn Denis Show

This year, Marilyn Denis and James Cunningham came up with a fantastic Father's Day gift guide! Helping Canadians all over the country get a better idea for what Dad wants for Father's Day, they were sure to include Yorkville as their choice for No. 1 Dads everywhere with our No. 1 Dad Ultimate Gift Crate and No. 1 Dad Gift Crate. After all, who doesn’t enjoy receiving a gift basket?

At Yorkville, we sincerely believe that everyone can appreciate a thoughtful collection of carefully selected goodies. We’re hoping to modernize the gift basket model and change the way people think about them – don’t get us wrong, we love our wicker – but times are calling for some surprising and delightful new options too.

For any occasion, they’re a beautiful way to show someone just how much you care to treat them to something special. Handmade with love in Toronto, our baskets are dressed to impress, and always full of surprises.

Thinking of putting together a gift basket for Father’s Day? We’ve got you covered with five excellent tips from our senior designers!

How to Make Your Own Ultimate Father's Day Gift Basket

1. Dad’s Your Hero….But What Kind of Hero?
Picture your favourite memories of Dad, and what makes him happy. Does he get excited for the Big Game? Does he consider himself to be the next Master Chef on the grill? Maybe he’s a classic gentleman, and enjoys peace and quiet with a good book by the fireside. These little insights will help you picture exactly what sorts of things will best fit your gift to him.

2. Choose a Star of the Show
It’s Dad’s special day, and your gift to him needs to reflect just how special he is! Find one item to be the star of the show in your basket, and relate everything else back to it. Pick a variety of shapes and sizes so you can display it all out in an eye-catching manner.

3. Even Batman needs Accessories
With a theme in mind and a good starting-off point, it’s time to find all the appropriate items to fill the basket! Just like all the thought that you put into picking the items, it’s the little things that matter. Simple tricks like matching colours make a big difference!

4. A Strong Foundation for your Love
Who says your gift has to come in a classic wicker basket? There are tons of options to choose from. Between beautifully handcrafted wooden crates to unique cutting boards, the container is just as much a part of the gift as the items that go into it.

5. Write Him a Heartfelt Message
With your gift assembled, there’s nothing better than a card to finish it all off. Most Dads may be strong and tough at times, but guaranteed he has a soft spot somewhere. You’ve already done all the work: thought about what kind of hero he is to you and what sorts of things will make him happy – you may as well write it all down. Let him know how much you appreciate for all that he’s done for you.

To watch the full clip from Marilyn Denis, click here.

For Marilyn Denis and James Cunningham's full Father's Day gift guide click here.